Intensive Physical Therapy
For a child with some form of injury or delay in development, simple tasks can be a huge, real challenge. At Let’s Grow Pediatrics, our
Universal Exercise Unit
What is the Universal Exercise Unit? The spider cage portion of the UEU is a body weight support system that decreases the amount of body
Early Intervention
If a child has a developmental diagnosis with known associated delays, Let’s Grow Pediatrics encourages them to obtain a physical therapy referral prior to first
Dynamic Movement Intervention
Gross motor skills are an essential component for reaching milestones of growth. At Let’s Grow Pediatrics, we work with children to control and move their
Torticollis / Plagiocephaly
At Let’s Grow Pediatrics, we encourage early referrals for torticollis and plagiocephaly. First signs: Preference of baby to look to right or left Flat spot